About HBA @ UCLA Anderson

The Healthcare Business Association (HBA) at UCLA Anderson School of Management provides professional connections and education to students interested in the business of healthcare through career and social events. HBA prepares members to successfully recruit and advance their careers in healthcare-related fields, whether they are interested in healthcare products, (e.g., pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device) and/or services (e.g., consulting, provider, payer). Additionally, the HBA leverages and engages its strong alumni and industry connections to provide broad exposure to the intersection of healthcare with other disciplines, such as technology, finance, operations, and entrepreneurship.

Our organization consists of over 150 full-time, fully employed and executive MBAs, and continues to attract students in the greater UCLA community. The HBA aims to serve as a nexus for healthcare industry information exchange at UCLA and in the greater business community as we help prepare the next leaders in healthcare.  

Our Leadership

Emma Yu President
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Jack Vorwald Executive Vice President
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Jack Galloway VP of Finance
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Danny Wu VP of Operations
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Alexa Mehlhorn VP of Conference (VITALS)
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Cindy Chew VP of Conference (VITALS)
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Sai Chandan Reddy VP of Conference (VITALS)
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Aaron Tsai VP of Days-On-The-Job
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Monica Lee VP of External Development
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Danna He VP of External Development
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Savit Sharma VP of Career Development
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Leah Torres VP of Career Development
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Sarah Martin VP of Strategic Partnerships
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Wendy Tran VP of Strategic Partnerships
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James Whiteley VP of Admissions and Alumni Affairs
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Stephanie Panossian VP of Marketing and Communications
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Bradley Ni VP of FEMBA Relations
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Ike Zhan VP of Conference (Vitals)
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Bilal Durrani VP of Membership Engagement
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Inquiries & Contact

For specific inquiries, please connect directly with Officers/Directors listed above. For general inquiries, please use the following form: